Dr. Huffer is an Orthopedic surgeon practicing in San Jose, California. He obtained Board Certification from the American Board Of Orthopaedic Surgery in 1989, and recertified in 2000 and 2010. For over a decade, Dr. Huffer has managed a private practice adjacent to O'Connor Hospital in San Jose. Additionally, Dr. Huffer performs elective orthopedic procedures at both O'Connor Hospital and San Jose Regional Medical Center. With over three decades of experience, Dr. Huffer continues to provide excellent treatment of musculo-skeletal problems to all of his patients. He manages these conditions with an emphasis on conservative care, but also surgical intervention after determining with the patient that it is the best approach.
Exceptional Care
Dr. Huffer carefully explains all treatment options and works with patients to develop a personalized treatment plan for their specific medical needs.
Surgical Expertise
Dr. Huffer has previously held the position of Chief of Surgery at three nearby hospitals, including O'Connor Hospital and Regional Medical Center in San Jose, and Saint Louise Regional Hospital in Gilroy.